Friday, June 13, 2014

The general family is on sunk in BETTING

The general family is on sunk in BETTING

The betting

 The betting   is now spreading out variously in Bangladesh. Like many countries Bangladesh is floating on betting. Mainly drug addicted people play it regularly .Besides some gentle people also involve in this sector because it is very easy to get huge amount of money by betting. Bangladesh also is in the fever of betting. The youth involves generally in this sector. In different part of the city there are many particular places for betting. In shops like flex e load is the better place for betting. Because youth gathers much. The owner of the shop runs the board .The both side betters gives their money to that shop. After the game the winner takes the money. If any better cannot give money then his any valuable things can be kept as mortgage. This kind of incidents create social imbalance. Many Anti social activities happen in the city. Some big persons involve and give shelter to the board owner. Sometimes general people complain to the police but the board owner gives an amount to shut up the police. So, the local leaders and the police are also benefited by the betting business. This betting business also the cause of the increasing rate of drug. Because it is the easiest way to collect money for the drug. Sometimes lives are also wasted for betting. This kind of anti social and anti humanitarian work has to be stopped by implying great force or awareness.

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